Head Decorater of The Cookie Barre, Kathleen Foulkrod is a top employee and has been working for the company for two years. She is a wife and mother of three kids, photographer, and music teacher on top of helping The Cookie Barre run smoothly. Her creative spirit and inovative ideas are just afew of her quality's that make the perfect decorater along with her ability to fix others mistakes with her steady hand.
Web Designer of The Cookie Barre, Robert Foulkrod is the main reason this buisness is a sucsess. He designs every element of The Cookie Barre's website along with giving helpful insight on titles and names for products and even the company itself. Hs is a husband and father of three kids and is a technical intructor at New Horizens where he shares his knowledges and teaches adults about all different kinds of programming technuiques.
Logo Designer and Head Idea Enthusiast of The Cookie Barre, John Pegouske has big plans for the development of this buisness. He is a father of one and the owner of Westborn Camera Company along with being an Ebay connoisseur. With his famous words to "build an empire" John is a big part of why The Cookie Barre is sucessful. Along with this John Pegouske is the mastermind behind the beautiful logo you see on our buisness cards and advertisments.
Cookie Tester of The Cookie Barre, Suzanne Pegouske is an excellent judge of our products. In order to provide you the perfect flavor combonations and consitancys in our cookie's we insure that every cookie passes the Cookie Barre standard also known as "the Grandma test". What better way to prove this standard then by having a Grandma test each flavor to give her honest opinion so Suzanne is absolutley perfect for the job.